Kaki’s alma mater is Texas Tech University in Lubbock, Texas, where she received her Bachelor of Science in Physical Therapy in 1994. Kaki received her Pediatric Specialty Certification (PCS) in 2000. Her background experience includes 22 years treating a wide range of diagnoses in pediatrics in various settings including outpatient, acute care, NICU, school systems, hippotherapy as well as early childhood intervention. Kaki has also held management positions through her years of practice finding that she can influence patient care in a positive way from behind the scenes as well as in direct patient care. Kaki says she loves her job because she gets to experience the firsts (first time to roll, first steps, first hit at bat) and gets to help patients decide what their next first will be and work together to make them daily activities.
Kaki has a wonderful husband and 3 children that keep her very busy. Her hobbies include spending time with family, cooking, working out, traveling, and exploring. She feels like there is always a new adventure to be experienced, we just have to look for it and be willing to take a chance.